Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gastroparesis Diet Tips 2013

Gastroparesis Diet Tips

Gastroparesis Diet Tips for people suffering from Gastroparesis. All information contained in this blog has been reproduced with permission from Gastroparesis DieTipsgastroparesis diet tips

Gastroparesis patients need these diet tips so that they can live a healthy long life. Gastroparesis has gotten a lot of mainstream attention lately but the bottom line is most of you have no clube what your doing out there and you read some very out dated gastroparesis diet tips websites and if you are listening to them you are sick right now.

I require constant hospitalization and treatment and would have the operation if I did not have malignant hypertension. That being said I live my life in fear of every meal because gastroparesis diet tips are so hard to come by.

Gastroparesis diet stages:
Stage one. In this stage the gastroparesis diet tips are clear. Avoid acidic drinks and foods and stay liquid. I mean it. Liquid. If you do not go to your primary care doctor and inform them you have gotten worse and are switching to a stage 1 diet to normalize, you will be accused of having an eating disorder.

The stage one diet is the Broth diet. We can use a lot of broths but you should NOT use high sodium anything. If you go right to the high sodium processed junk that 10 years ago research suggested was good, you will develop a bad heart condition and you will punish your cardiovascular system. Every time you were sitting on the couch and you just started shivering like an ice wind came in, your HUNGRY!!! In a stage 1 diet its very very very hard to feel full because liquids just don't get the job done.

If you are on a stage 1 gastroparesis diet my tip is, you need a nutritionist. You need someone who is going to put a feeding tube in you the second they have to. If you have gastroparesis you will start on the stage 1 diet. If your doctor attempts to begin treatment anywhere else you need a new doctor.
Products in stage 1:
Pediasure and Pedialyte are the best. Pediasure is now a juice product with nutritional value so you can get it on food stamps. You can not get pedialyte on food stamps.

Gatoraid: Using gatoraid is a myth. This drink replaces electrolytes in the sense that they help the body do it but with Gastroparesis it is NOT an electrolyte balance and if you keep chugging electrolytes, your going to over dose. Yes you can over dose on plain old water too.
If you can tolerate the drink go for it but if you replace water with it your going to be very sick. Here is a rule of thumb: Is your back hurting and do you feel like you have the flue? You might be dehydrated or even suffering an abdominal migraine.

Soda: Don'task a dentist, ask a doctor. I am able to get a lot of liquid calories from soda but if you use the name brand stuff the acid it produces is too much. I am serious Sams's cola is safe and easy to drink. It is a little sweet for me but it wont burn.

Broth: Broth from a box is best. Broth from a cube is bad. You MUST understand that there is no room in your diet for a heart condition or anything like that. High cholesterol and high blood pressure are very very very serious concerns with gastroparesis and yes, we have had some heart attack deaths because emergency rooms refuse to treat gastroparesis because if you die, it just sucks. If they attempt to treat you and you do, they are now responsible.

In stage 1 you will want to cheat after a few days. Don't. If you have to please give gummy bears a try. Air heads are also mostly safe (paraffin wax) and salt water taffy has yet to make me sick. Chocolate relaxes the sphincter in the upper body and is bad bad bad but dark chocolate is the best thing under the sun for gastroparesis diet tips.

Stage 2 is fun. Stage 2 is stage 1 with toast and other foods. Now, Gastroparesis should really only be eating bleached enriched flour. In stage 2 you are now going to fortify your liquids. Add powdered milk to every recipe you can think of. Switch to BLENDING now. Its hard at first but blend your food up before you consume it. I have actually had great success making a patty out of the material much like a veggie burger does.

Stage 2 I suggest you use whey protein. It is simple for the body to use and can be re stored in powder form. It gets the job done. I highly suggest you do not keep eating meats they way you were before. The more acid the meat the harder it will be on your digestive system.

Stage 2 has a lot of products in it but mostly they are processed foods. This is when you need to just read the nutritional labels. What you do in stage two is remove ALL foods with preservatives cause they cause the food to rot inside your digestive track, that's what that smell is. Now your going to be shopping a lot but stage 2 is a short lived diet. I've never had to go more than a few weeks.

When do you switch to a stage 2? When you can eat a full meal with no complaints and your exercising regularly. In stage 2 you must walk after every meal. There is no other choice. You have to use your body's movement to influence the digestive system to work together. When your colon is spastic and your upper intestine is irritated it will feel like two seriously different problems that have nothing to do with gastroparesis.

Stage 3, your normal! Stage 3 is solids. You are now able to eat solids and digest food on a schedule. You must remember that you are on a cancer and diabetes diet now. Do not eat raw veggies and everything must be mushy or pre-chewed. I know it is hard but you have no choice. Its either you follow these three stages or you will die. If you think that is not true you should pay attention to anorexia today because we are being forced in to anorexia.

Read more Gastroparesis Diet Tips here!